Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Internationalization of Teacher Education

Project Description

Job profiles of teachers are more and more characterized by heterogeneous and culturally diverse learning groups. In order to meet the needs of these diverse groups, teachers need to successfully interact pedagogically with them. The environment of students is, to a greater extent, marked by the disappearance of national boundaries. Therefore, teachers can only meet their role as propagators of a plural society if they themselves have gained essential intercultural experiences.

Internationalization abroad

Among the planned steps of the sub-project are:

  • Increasing the number of students that will complete their field experiences abroad
  • Focused advertisement for international mobility and information on funding programs
  • Uniform recognition of stays abroad
  • Mentoring before, during and after practical trainings abroad
  • Reactivating existing international partnerships
  • Gaining new foreign pedagogical institutions
  • Continuously foster co-operations with partner institutions

Domestic internationalization

Realization at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg foresees:

  • Establishing courses for intercultural sensitization before and after stays abroad
  • Establishing a range of multilingual courses to integrate foreign student teachers
  • High appreciation of cultural and language diversity in the teacher training
  • International networking of academic teacher education

Activities and Extra-curricular Courses

Pilot project for increased awareness of heterogeneity during Teaching Practices (Co-Teaching)

Dealing with cultural heterogeneity is one of the central  challenges for teachers requiring cultural and language openness in  teacher education. Prospective teachers and international students come  together in intercultural co-teaching teams to learn about the  cultural relativity of their conception of school and teaching.  Furthermore, multilingualism is experienced as an integral component of  cultural diversity.

Frequency of course offerings: every semester during the time of teaching practices (I and II)

Module Intercultural Communication (in the certification course inclusive teaching of German as a target language)

Following current global developments it is increasingly requested  of teachers to have communicational strategies to cope with  intercultural contact situations in schools. In learning labs students  apprehend by means of demonstrative examples how to recognize  problematic situations and to describe these via scientific categories.  Situations of everyday school life are simulated in role plays and  students develop strategies to handle critical incidents. Afterwards,  the interactions, experienced feelings and gained experiences are  reflected upon and are cultural scientifically classified.

Frequency of course offerings: every semester to be held as a block seminar

What school is like where I’m from (in the certification course inclusive teaching of German as a target language)

Information about society and everyday school life in the  numerically largest countries of origin makes the anticipation of and  dealing with culturally motivated conflicts easier. In the module “What  school is like where I’m from” international doctoral candidates and  staff members of the MLU narrate their own everyday school life by  autobiographically recalling their experiences. Giving statistics a  human face allows prospective teachers to gain the perspective to  recognize, accept and value differences and similarities of various  cultures.

Frequency of course offerings: every semester

Arabic in classrooms

Future schools will be more and more characterized by  multilingualism. The intensive course “Arabic in classrooms” conveys  knowledge and skills from different fields: besides basic linguistic  skills in Arabic, the course also offers insight into culture, history,  society and school systems. It also raises awareness for intercultural  dimensions of teaching and engages in language philosophical  discussions. Basic language skills are learned by the means of realistic  standard classroom situations. We use the Syrian-Lebanese dialect  for that purpose, since it is understood in the entire Arabic speaking  world and can be easily pronounced by language learners.

Frequency of course offerings: every semster to be held as a block seminar

International Cooperations

More and more of our students are interested in going abroad for studying and completing their field experiences. We help organizing and planning field experiences at pedagogical institutions worldwide as well as study stays at universities all over the globe.

Are you interested in cooperating with us? Please contact us, we look forward to developing our project collectively.

Current Cooperations:

  • Participating in the research project Japan as a country of immigration: educational participation. Learning from the model Halle (Saale) of the Tohoku University    in Sendai, Japan

Academic Partners


poster_internationalisierung_a0.pdf (6.1 MB)  vom 03.06.2019

Poster "Internationalization of Teacher Education"
poster_internationalisierung_en.pdf (1.3 MB)  vom 13.06.2018

Flyer International Cooperations in Teacher Education with schools and other pedagogical institutions abroad (Language: English)
intl_cooperation_in_teacher_edu.pdf (2.2 MB)  vom 10.07.2018

[German only] Collection of materials and contributions: KALEI-Colloquium Raising Intercultural Awareness in Teacher Education: Dimensions in Professionalisation and Teaching Methodology, Halle, 07.06.2018
Materialsammlung_Rueckblick_Interkulturelle_Sensib_in_der_LB.pdf (2.9 MB)  vom 08.08.2018


§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Dr. Anne Julia Fett

Dr. Anne Julia Fett

Working on the project

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§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Peter Grüttner

Peter Gruettner

Working on the project

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§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Prof. Dr. Torsten Fritzlar

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bremer

Project Supervision

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